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Our Services

Every Sunday at 10:00 AM, and major feast days of the year, we gather at Ascension for a service, most always Morning Prayer or occasionally Holy Eucharist.  Sometimes we have a Eucharist on Thursday late afternoon followed by a potluck supper. Check our Calendar page to find the current schedule for services. 

The Holy Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is the central liturgical worship of the Episcopal Church and is led by an ordained priest. “Eucharist” means “thanksgiving" and is when we gather to hear the Word of God in Scripture, and to receive the presence of Christ, in the consecrated bread and wine, the Body and Blood of our Lord.

All persons of any age are invited to receive Holy Communion.  The Episcopal Church does not have a "First Communion" observance and young children who have been baptized are welcome to receive Communion at their parents’ discretion. 

If you do not want to receive Communion, you may come to the altar rail to receive a blessing from the priest.  Please place your arms across your chest in the form of an “X” to indicate that you would like to receive a blessing. 


Morning Prayer is rooted in the monastic tradition and is led by lay Worship Leaders. We recite psalms, read Scripture, and offer both ancient collects (prayers), and litanies. There are silences and time for private intercessions offered either silently or aloud.  


Morning Prayer is part of the Daily Office which is the core of Anglican Spirituality, allowing us to sanctify time and to consecrate the Lord's Day.


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